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Should you purchase a hinged security door or a sliding security door for your home?

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What do your visitors see before your lovely home? Your door of course! That’s why the perfect entryway is one of the most important design decisions for your home. But remember, it’s not only your guests that will walk through this door, but 34% of burglars are also bold enough to enter through the main entrance. Which means investing in this first point of security must be one of your priorities to keep your family and home safe.

Western Australia has the highest level of home break-ins with more than 5% of homes being broken into which is almost double the national average of 2.7%. Homes in Perth are twice as likely to be the target of thieves than homes in Sydney. Perth homeowners have taken notice and are investing in a variety of security features such as security doors and windows.

Whether you are renovating, building a new home or just updating your security features, you should consider all your options and chose the perfect security door for your family home. A door that is not only a welcoming and beautiful entrance to your home but is also functional and secure.

Two of the most popular and well-designed security door types are hinged security doors and sliding security doors. Both types are safe and functional and the decision of which design to go with depends on your usage, style preference and family needs.

Why should you choose a Sliding Security door?

Saved space
Sliding doors, in general, are most often used for their ability to save space in the entryway. The sliding security doors can provide the same level of security as a security gate but for a smaller space requirement. This attribute is especially useful where there are other structures or furniture on either side of the door that won’t allow for the door to swing open.

Easier access
For many users such as children and people with disabilities, opening a sliding door that smoothly glides on a railing is much easier than a swinging door. The sliding security doors are designed to be opened with ease from either side of the door.

Better view and airflow
Sliding doors can be opened partially without the danger of the door slamming shut, to allow you to enjoy the view outside and to let fresh air into your home. This feature is also ideal for patio and backyard doors that are regularly left open for continuous use by your family and friends.

Modern Style
Frequently architects that work with more contemporary designs, choose sliding doors due to their modern and sleek aesthetic. Sliding security doors can be constructed from modern materials and finishes to blend in with any interior or exterior theme.

Why should you choose a Hinged Security door?

Visual deterrent
Hinged security doors are more visible than sliding security doors and can act as a deterrent for invaders before they even get to your front lawn. It is well known that burglars regularly make multiple trips to a house they are considering robbing. Homeowners for many years have used a number of visual cues, such as big cameras, locked gates and security system signs, to signal to the burglars that their house is secure. The hinged security doors are the ultimate sign to invaders that you have taken the most important steps to secure your home.

Wider doors
Due to the design of the hinged security doors, the door opening can be made much wider. This means an easier time moving large furniture in and out of the house.

Classic style
Many homeowners prefer the hinged doors due to their more classical look. These hinged security doors can be made from a variety of wood and metal finishes to match the overall style of any home.

Whichever design you decide suits your family and home best, remember that it is most important to ensure that your door is manufactured and installed by professionals adhering to the highest quality standards. Nu-Style Shutters’ services Perth uses locally made security doors and windows that outperform the Australian Standard and come in a variety of styles and colours. Let us show you how you can get the best security features for your home for the best price.

Contact us for more information or to book your free quote.

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