Felling safe and secure in your home is important. This Roller shutter installation was over the front Bedroom of a small block 3×2 home for senior downsizers and down the sides of the corner block. Their home had 2 small front windows on the master bedroom, one over the theater and 3 windows down the side of the house that all faced the street. With no fence line they wanted to install something that offered peace of mind and protection at night. Our Nu Style Roller Shutters helped them feel safe whilst also benefitting from, blocking out the street light glare, cutting down the southwest afternoon sunlight and creating more privacy from the other homes across the road. After the installation the owners built a small wall and landscaped the area to look clean and tidy with the Silver Nu Style Shutters acting as a stylish feature to the front of the home
Over 70,000 quality blinds and shutters installed across WA since 2003