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Operation Methods for Roller Shutters

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Not all homes are the same, each is unique with its own style and character. When looking to purchase roller shutters for your home it is important to remember that each window, door and opening are unique. Heights and widths vary, frame colours are endless, and different styles of windows and operating methods can vary the design and price of your roller shutters.

Here are the 5 most commonly found operating methods for roller shutters in Perth

1. Manual Operation

Manually operated shutters are the old fashioned, simple winder box and tape method. The axel in the external pelmet box is turned by a handle inside the home. This is traditionally the cheapest form of roller shutter however, it does require frequent servicing, and aesthetically it is not the best because the grey tape entry guide and winder box are highly visible from the inside of the home. It is also only available on windows smaller than 2.75m squared, as any bigger it becomes prone to breaking straps and very difficult to physically wind the weight of the product.

2. Electrical Operation

The most common operating method in Western Australia is the Hard Wired 240V electric motor. It is easy to use with a simple switch installed on a wall plate (similar to a light switch except it turns 360 degrees).

Electric motors are now quieter and more reliable, making them better than ever. The internal gear box locks when not in use to add a degree of security above that of manual shutters, which can be lifted with ease. The electric model requires less servicing and maintenance, and often is accompanied by a 10-year warranty, giving you piece of mind your have purchased a quality product that will last. This is the recommended model for residential homes.

3. Remote Control

A remote control option is a luxury upgrade to the electric model, which are normally switch operated. They still use a 240 v Motor, which is wired into the main power of your home. However rather than a switch on the wall, the shutter operates at the click of a button on from wireless handset, allowing you to operate your shutters from any position in your home.
A combination of electric and remote shutters is the best option when doing a whole home. For areas like your own bedroom, it is nice to have a remote to allow use from your bedside. The remote option is also used commonly in commercial roller shutter scenarios to allow the use of the shutters from the outside of the property when leaving. Different handsets are available, such as Key Fobs (similar to that of a roller door remote) or Multi Channel Master handsets which can control up to 16 electric shutters at a time.

4. Spring-Loaded Shutters

A spring-loaded shutter operates in a similar way to a manual. The bottom bar has a key lock and handle, which you can use to lift the shutter up and down. This style is often used on sheds, businesses or in canteen areas. The benefit of a spring load is that it works without power, and you are able to lock the shutter with a key to keep out unwanted intruders, or close off an area.

This method is not recommended on residential home windows as the operation is done from the outside of the home. However this is a perfect solution for bars, canteen areas, sporting clubs, shops, garages and sheds.

5. 12v Smart Drive motor

Smart Drive 12v shutter motors are a brilliant Australian innovation. The external pelmet contains a 12v Smart Drive motor, that operates using power stored in a stylish 12v battery handset. This handset is installed on the wall inside the room next to the shutter, just like a light switch. The 12v Smart Drive motors can operate when there is no power, and are great for areas prone to black outs, or that do not have constant power. The 12v Battery controller holds roughly enough power to bring a shutter up and down once each day for 25 days before requiring to be charged from a 240v power supply again.

Custom designed and manufactured to your needs

As with any home improvement product it is important to do your research and understand all your options. If Security is a concern, electric motors with a locking gear box are a must. If you intend on using the shutters daily it will pay to go for an electric or remote model, so that you’re not having to wind continually, which can wear out the tape and moving parts. With advancements in technology and the best quality tubular motors now available, the electric model has become the market leaders in reliability, and better than ever on price. In the end, you want the option that is going to work for you!

Call us today and book an appointment with one of our Roller Shutter Specialists for a free in home demonstration of each model and operating method.

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