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How to Keep Your Home Cool This Summer

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Summer brings so many things to look forward to. Ice cream, lazy days at the beach, and backyard BBQs with friends and family. But long, sunny days can also be a recipe for a hot and stuffy house. With a few tips and tricks, it’s possible to keep your home comfortable during even the hottest summer days. Here’s how to keep your home cool this summer.


After a hot day, the temperature will normally drop to a more pleasant degree during the night. Open up your windows in the evening to let the cool air in, and if you have fly screens, consider leaving windows open when you go to bed. If you have fans, turn these on at night to create tunnels of cool air that flow freely throughout your house. When you wake up in the morning, close your windows before the day starts to get hot.


During the heat of the day, you can close off rooms you’re not using to prevent cool air from permeating these areas. At night, when it’s cooler, open up interior doors to let the air flow through your home naturally.


Insulating your home will not only keep it warmer in the winter; it will also help your home stay cooler during summer. Insulating the space between your ceiling and roof is the first place to start, however nowadays it is also common to insulate the cavity’s on your walls.Also Install weather stripping and caulk up any cracks in your window frames, to stop hot air from entering through any stray gaps. Sealing off air leaks is relatively cheap and will pay for itself by reducing your energy bills over time.

Eliminate interior sources of heat

One of the easiest ways to keep your home cool is to cut down on any activities that produce heat on the inside. If you have incandescent light bulbs, swap them out for cooler, more energy efficient light bulbs that emit less heat, such as LED’s. Turn on the exhaust fan in your bathroom while you’re taking a shower or running a bath, or open a window so that the hot air has somewhere to dissipate. Appliances that generate heat, such as clothes dryers and dishwashers, should be run at night rather than during the hottest parts of the day. Slaving over a hot stove or oven not only makes you hot and bothered – it will also increase the temperature in your home. So summer is the perfect time to BBQ outside, preferably with a cool drink in hand. When cooking inside, use the exhaust fan in your kitchen to pull the hot air outside.

Maintain your air conditioner

If you have air conditioning, you should change the air filters every 4-6 weeks during heavy use. Dirty filters reduce air quality and impede airflow, meaning your air conditioner won’t be able to efficiently cool your home. Keep spare air filters in the house and change them regularly.

Reduce sunlight

Making a few additions to your home’s exterior can help keep things cool inside. Adding an awning or planting some trees or vines in front of light-facing windows will protect your home from the worst of the sun’s rays. Reflective roof paint can also make a significant difference in preventing sunlight from shining directly on your windows.

Install roller shutters

Installing roller shutters can reduce heat transfer through the windows of your home by upto 80%. Via the greenhouse effect. Direct Sunlight onto the glass windows of your home begins to warm the air inside. Large windows can easily absorb and magnify the external temperature of your home inside. You can lower the temperature indoors by preventing heat from entering through windows in the first place. Install shutters and keep them closed during the daylight hours, open them after sunset to let in the cool of night and circulate fresh air around your home

Roller shutters create the perfect insulative defence barrier not only by being injected with high density polyurethane foam to reduce heat, but also being installed away from the glass on your windows creating an air pocket and additional barrier of defence against the harsh summer sun and heat.

Nu-Style Shutters provides professional installation of roller shutters and outdoor blinds across all Perth suburbs from Yanchep to Mandurah. Nu-Style roller shutters are sleek and modern, made from premium materials and designed to last for years to come. If you’re looking to keep your home cool this summer, give Nu-Style a call on 1300 798 776 or visit https://www.nustyleshutters.com.au/

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