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Installing Roller Shutters to Combat the Rising Crime Rate

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The last year has certainly been a challenge, with the global pandemic resulting in high levels of unemployment and economic uncertainty. Unfortunately, the damage has been done and the path to recovery looks to be a long and slow one. With unrest and uncertainty, it’s inevitable that crime will be on the rise, people are becoming desperate and many are in survival mode meaning break and enter crimes will continue to increase. Windows are the weakest link in most homes and the biggest point of forced entry in burglaries. Read on to discover why and how roller shutters are the ultimate security feature that will keep your home and your family safe now and in the future.

Some Scary Statistics

According to the Australian Institute of Criminology & a recent RAC security survey:

  • It takes less than five minutes for an intruder to break in
  • 60% of burglaries involve the forced entry of a window
  • 4 in 10 burglaries occur when the occupants are at home

Who Are the Thieves?

Until recently, most homes were not randomly targeted. They were singled out by experienced and organised criminals using sophisticated break-in methods. However, recently, home break ins are becoming opportunistic crimes, with desperate people taking advantage of homes with a lack of security features.

What is Stolen Most?

Most thieves look for expensive portable goods that they can get away with fast, such as smart phones, tablets and laptops. Jewellery is still a very popular item for thieves, as well as anything that is handy, profitable, easy to travel and easy to sell without identification. Power tools and bikes also rank highly in recent insurance claims. Alarmingly, thieves also target car keys with the intention of either stealing your car immediately or coming back at another time to drive it away when you aren’t home.

Making Your Home Secure

One of the best ways to protect your home is to make it a hard target for would-be thieves. A simple and cost-effective way to do this is to install roller shutters over your windows and doors. Not only do they act as a physical, impenetrable barrier that make it hard for even the most experienced thieves to break through, they act as a visual deterrent. Thieves will keep particular streets under surveillance while planning their attack, and will generally target the ‘easier’ homes with little in the way of security features over a home with roller shutters. Combining high quality custom shutters with a security alarm and other safety measures will ensure thieves bypass your property and target someone else.

Roller Shutters Are Not Just Ideal for Security

While roller shutters are the perfect security measure for every home, they come with a whole host of other benefits. They are an incredible design feature for your home, they increase curb appeal, improve the energy efficiency of your home and add significant re-sale value to your property!

If you want to make your home as safe and secure as it can be, high quality roller shutters from Nu Style Shutters are the ideal solution. For more information on roller shutter installation to protect your home, get in touch with us today for a free quotation online or give us a call on 1300 798 776.

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