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7 Reasons Why Businesses Should Invest in Roller Shutters in 2019

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As a business owner, the security of your business should be top-of-mind. If you haven’t yet invested in roller shutters to protect your business, we strongly recommend you add it to your list of priorities for the new year. Acting now could be the difference between an expensive break-in or a reduction in your insurance and HVAC costs – we know which we’d prefer!

Here are seven reasons you should consider investing in roller shutters:

1. Secure Your Premises

At any moment in time, you might have thousands of dollars of stock and equipment held on your premises. Can you afford to lose it? Maybe, after all, the insurance will cover most or all of it – but in the time it takes to receive that payout you are either leaving customers waiting or having to dip into reserves to replenish your business’s resources.

Roller shutters will deter all but the most determined criminals. The time and force necessary to break a shutter makes an attempted break-in highly likely to fail: the noise and commotion will draw attention long before the criminal gets anywhere close to the inside of your business.

2. Prevent Vandalism

An individual doesn’t need to break into your business to cost you money: vandalism can lead to broken glass, defaced doors, and significant damage to your brand – it doesn’t look good to your customers if you can’t secure your own premises.

Roller shutters provide a simple and effective defence against vandalism; by covering up your windows and doors, a criminal’s opportunity to cause damage is reduced significantly.

3. Reduce Insurance Costs

In some circumstances, investing in roller shutters may reduce your insurance costs. This is because roller shutters reduce the likelihood that you will make a claim: you’re less likely to receive a break-in, less likely to experience vandalism, and your premises are better protected from weather and fire damage.

4. Enhance Out-of-Hours Privacy

If you’ve got staff working out-of-hours (for example, restocking), the last thing you want is for them to be distracted by people outside. Roller shutters ensure your teams can work in peace without distraction, even on a busy high street, and that non-staff can only see into your business when you want them to.

5. Protection From the Elements

Roller shutters protect your doors and windows from wind, rain, and hail damage. This saves you money in the long-run. Roller shutters can also protect from fire damage, either helping to contain a fire within a building, or helping to keep fire out.

6. Improved Insulation

Roller shutters can also help save money on your heating and air conditioning bills by adding an additional layer of insulation to your property. This is particularly beneficial for businesses in the food industry, who may need to keep some areas consistently chilled, but will help reduce costs for any business.

7. Long-Term Value

Installing roller shutters is a long-term investment in the security of your business. With proper maintenance, roller shutters will last for years and years, and will soon pay for themselves. Nu Style shutters have a 10-year guarantee, but many last for far longer than that.

Ready to upgrade your business’s security? Book your FREE quote with our team today!

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