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5 Reasons to Install Security Doors & Screens This Summer

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Many people assume the only benefit of security screens and doors is just that, security, however installing high quality security doors and screens offer many other advantages especially during the warm summer months. At Nu Style Shutters, we are Perth’s experts in security doors, screens, roller shutters and café blinds. Let’s take a look at 5 reasons you should install security doors and screens in preparation for this coming summer.

Save on Air-Conditioning

Amidst the scorching summer heat, security screens allow air to move through your home enabling you to switch down or even turn off the air-conditioning, saving you serious money on your electricity bills. While security screens do cover the full length of the door and window, the mesh component allows breeze to stream through so you can securely leave windows and doors open, even when you aren’t home. So, let the breeze blow through your home during summer and regulate the inside temperature, maximising comfort while reducing your expensive AC.

Improve Ventilation

Having fresh air in your home is vital for your overall physical and mental wellbeing. Proper ventilation is essential in preventing lingering odours and mould which can pose a significant threat to health, including allergies and asthama. With a security screens installed, you can leave your doors and windows open for lengthy periods of time ensuring adequate ventilation to keep your family healthy.

Deter Intruders from Entering While You Are Away on Holidays

A much more affordable alternative to expensive alarm systems, security doors and screens are incredibly versatile and can be fitted to almost any type of window and door. If you are planning a holiday this summer, travel with the peace of mind knowing your home is safe and secure from any would-be thieves helping themselves to your prized possessions. Thieves will do their best to avoid a difficult break and enter, so by having obstacles in place that make it hard for them, it’s much more likely they will leave your home alone and move on to an easier target. Security screens make your home more difficult for intruders to access by adding an additional layer of security that can’t be penetrated without considerable force. Lightweight yet exceptionally robust, professionally-made and installed security doors are tested for their strength and hardiness and can withstand many different types of break-ins including:

  • Cutting with a knife
  • Impact from kicking and shouldering
  • Impact from blunt force tools such as a hammer
  • Jimmying with sharp objects

Keep Flies, Mosquitos and Other Pests Out

Pests can be a real nightmare, particularly during summer when mosquitos and flies run rampant. If you want a continuous flow of fresh air without annoying bugs and flies entering your home, security screens and doors are the perfect option. Their heavy duty mesh allows you to leave your windows and doors open during the day or night, so you can relax or sleep in comfort without pesky mosquitos and flies buzzing around your rooms.

Protection from Bushfires and Cyclones

Summer is bushfire season, and if you live in a bushfire prone area, it’s important to check that your screens meet bushfire regulations. There are many security screens and doors on the market which adhere to the Australian standards for bushfire attack and fire attenuation. These screens can protect your property from fire damage by reducing the radiant heat between the inside and the outside of the screen. Summer is also the time for extreme weather conditions including tropical cyclones. Flying debris during wild storms can cause huge amounts of damage to properties and people. There are screens that have met the Australian standard for cyclone missile impacts which will resist flying debris weighing as much as 4kg and travelling at a speed of 34m/s. If you live in WA, NT or QLD, then it is important to install screens which meet the Australian standards to keep you, your family and your property safe during a damaging tropical cyclone.

Now is the time to prepare your home for summer, so start by installing high quality, custom security doors and screens from Nu Style Shutters. With over 15 years’ experience, we have a long-standing reputation for reliability and honesty, coupled with high quality products and exceptional customer service. If you are after the best roller shutters, café blinds or security doors and grilles, call the friendly team at Nu Style Shutters today on 1300 296 820 or contact us online.

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